Helloooow guysss! Soooo long time no see, huh?
I am as a 'murtad' blogger hereby kindly apologizing for this not-consistent habit huehehee However, accept me here to share my blabs (back again) ;) Anyway, YOU KNOW WHAT? I've finished my 1st year in the university (which is admitted as Indonesia's Best)!! Wow finally. I feel like I've been waiting for this like... ever. Uhm, ok, not that lebay actually ^.^v Well, unlike those prior posts, I'm here wanna talk about something a bit.... serious. No, no, I won't talk about my school subjects or stuffs, but it's thing that (I believe,) we're all in.
As for my daily, tidak bermaksud sok sibuk atau apa, but really, for me, sometimes 25 or even 30 hours are needed in one day. Kuliah, organizational stuffs, dance practice, projects, gathering promise or maybe just a deal to do something with someone,, they did spend both my time and energy. Saking begitunya, terkadang waktu yang tersisa untuk sekedar sayang-sayangan sama ibu dan abah, atau sama keluarga lain, harus mengalah dulu. Gadget did help, but not always. I've got one bad habit that I deeply want to get rid of; lupa bales sms/bbm/chat/semacamnya. Kalau isi dari short message itu informatif, often I forget to just say thanks or what. Kalau misalnya udah omong-omongan dan in the end the topic's over, aku (hampir) selalu jadi the one who didn't reply first. Agh, damn this habit.
Kemarin pas hari terakhir ujian, siang hari aku di-bbm ibu. She said my dad's body temperature was unknowingly getting high and he got a dehydration. At that time I was still on my dance practice so I just slightly read the message (un-detailed), maybe since I was too concentrated on the dance moves. Then at about 4pm after having an interview, Ibu bbm lagi; marahin aku yang keliatan kayak nggak care sama kabar tentang kondisi Abah. Saat itu aku langsung kayak baru nyadar... Oh! My dad's sick! Seketika langsung kuberondong Ibu dengan pertanyaan seputar keadaan Abah, dengan panik yang berusaha aku sembunyikan from my looking. I acted like I stay cool while keep asking and explaining some setelah aku padukan sama ilmu yang aku dapat dan tau. Parahnya, aku bahkan baru tau kalo Abah pernah Hepatitis-A beberapa waktu yang lalu. I was totally clueless about it. Malam itu juga Abah dibawa ke dokter, dicek lab, dan dirawat disitu untuk 1 malam. Ibu yang awalnya berencana ke Jakarta hari Jumat ini, mendadak langsung mutusin untuk ngebatalin. Semua serba tiba-tiba, dan jadi ngga jelas semuanya.
You know what was on my mind that time? I WANNA GO HOME! That's it. But it's not that simple since I still have some responsible left to be done. My mind got more and more cruel as the time passed by. Ah.. If only I could be beside him just to help his eating or praying or else... Actually, it's not something so serious. He's just having dehydration, a bit fatigue, together with his Hepatitis-A history. But, I don't know, at that time, I definitely feel bad as a daughter :(
"Sometimes, we're too busy growing up, and forget that our parents are also growing old"
I am as a 'murtad' blogger hereby kindly apologizing for this not-consistent habit huehehee However, accept me here to share my blabs (back again) ;) Anyway, YOU KNOW WHAT? I've finished my 1st year in the university (which is admitted as Indonesia's Best)!! Wow finally. I feel like I've been waiting for this like... ever. Uhm, ok, not that lebay actually ^.^v Well, unlike those prior posts, I'm here wanna talk about something a bit.... serious. No, no, I won't talk about my school subjects or stuffs, but it's thing that (I believe,) we're all in.
Kamu pelajar? Mahasiswa? Atau mungkin young entrepreneur or even an eksmud or else? Sedang sibuk apa sekarang? Sekolah, kuliah, promosi usaha, berburu beasiswa, apply kesempatan exchange, join international conference & competitions, dan seterusnya sebagainya semacamnya....? Ya, itu memang something yang 'kita banget', apalagi buat temen-temen yang sepantaran sama aku. Because what? I'm doing it too.. Ibarat kerajaan, usia-usia aku (dan kita) disebut-sebut sebagai puncak kejayaan; masa emas. Waktu-waktu saat kita menggantungkan impian setinggi angkasa, memasang target sejauh galaksi milky-way, menghidupkan asa dan harapan masa depan seterang radiasi matahari; dengan semangat dan tekad kuat sekuat daya tarik black hole, meletup-letup dalam dada sedahsyat ledakan big bang. Kalo si Rhoma Irama bilang sih, "darah muda darahnya para remaja". Berbekal mimpi, kita bahkan berani merantau jauh, terpisah dengan keluarga dan sanak saudara tersayang. Dan, kita melakukannya dengan senang hati, bukan?!For me, being separated from my family isn't something new. Sejak SMP, aku belajar di kota lain yang mengharuskan aku tinggal dengan saudara. Begitupun saat MAN, aku tinggal di asrama bersama teman-teman lain yang bernasib sama. Dan di fase kuliah ini pun begitu. Bedanya, the distance gets even more and more far. I mean, I need to take a 1,5-hour-flight or more than 10 hours by train, to get into my hometown. Tough enough, huh?
As for my daily, tidak bermaksud sok sibuk atau apa, but really, for me, sometimes 25 or even 30 hours are needed in one day. Kuliah, organizational stuffs, dance practice, projects, gathering promise or maybe just a deal to do something with someone,, they did spend both my time and energy. Saking begitunya, terkadang waktu yang tersisa untuk sekedar sayang-sayangan sama ibu dan abah, atau sama keluarga lain, harus mengalah dulu. Gadget did help, but not always. I've got one bad habit that I deeply want to get rid of; lupa bales sms/bbm/chat/semacamnya. Kalau isi dari short message itu informatif, often I forget to just say thanks or what. Kalau misalnya udah omong-omongan dan in the end the topic's over, aku (hampir) selalu jadi the one who didn't reply first. Agh, damn this habit.
Kemarin pas hari terakhir ujian, siang hari aku di-bbm ibu. She said my dad's body temperature was unknowingly getting high and he got a dehydration. At that time I was still on my dance practice so I just slightly read the message (un-detailed), maybe since I was too concentrated on the dance moves. Then at about 4pm after having an interview, Ibu bbm lagi; marahin aku yang keliatan kayak nggak care sama kabar tentang kondisi Abah. Saat itu aku langsung kayak baru nyadar... Oh! My dad's sick! Seketika langsung kuberondong Ibu dengan pertanyaan seputar keadaan Abah, dengan panik yang berusaha aku sembunyikan from my looking. I acted like I stay cool while keep asking and explaining some setelah aku padukan sama ilmu yang aku dapat dan tau. Parahnya, aku bahkan baru tau kalo Abah pernah Hepatitis-A beberapa waktu yang lalu. I was totally clueless about it. Malam itu juga Abah dibawa ke dokter, dicek lab, dan dirawat disitu untuk 1 malam. Ibu yang awalnya berencana ke Jakarta hari Jumat ini, mendadak langsung mutusin untuk ngebatalin. Semua serba tiba-tiba, dan jadi ngga jelas semuanya.
You know what was on my mind that time? I WANNA GO HOME! That's it. But it's not that simple since I still have some responsible left to be done. My mind got more and more cruel as the time passed by. Ah.. If only I could be beside him just to help his eating or praying or else... Actually, it's not something so serious. He's just having dehydration, a bit fatigue, together with his Hepatitis-A history. But, I don't know, at that time, I definitely feel bad as a daughter :(
"Sometimes, we're too busy growing up, and forget that our parents are also growing old"