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A Whole NEW World :")

Whueeww.. It's been so long since my last post right?! It's about 4 months i left this blog..
Fheeww,, dasar blogger murtad! Hahahaa. Ehtapi kayaknya jg gak pantes disebut bgitu,
I'm not a blogger. Hanya orang yg menggunakan jasa blog utk ngisi waktu saya kalo lg bener2 amat sangat pengangguran tingkat internasional. ckckck

Hmmm there're SO MUCH THINGS happened in my life..
Dan kayaknya telat banget buat sharing disini skarang.. But, yeaah, better late than never kan?! Hihii ;)
And The MOST Important thing happened in my life is,, Now, I AM A COLLEGER !
Hellyeaaahhh... Sounds great right ?! ;;) And yeah. Here I am. Living in this big city, JAKARTA.
Ehmm tepatnya sih di Depok.. Hehehe

My journey here started with OKK Universitas Indonesia which was held on the Ramadhan. Continued with the OBM a.k.a Orientasi Belajar Mahasiswa, for about 1 week.
Then still went on the OKK Fakultas dengan Mabim-nya yang sebulan itu..
That was one very very long journey, and extremely long long story! Hahhahaa

Now I'm a Colleger!
I don't have any uniform but an almamater jacket. I can bring hp freely (my highschool didn't allow us to bring it). My notebook is just the organizer. Hahaaa.. Feeling sooooo mucchhhh different bytheway..
BUT,, I still have to go to campus from monday-saturday. I got a bunch of tasks which are sooooo muuuuuccchhhh frustating than just a highschool task. Oh God.. I have to wear skirt to the campus. I almost always spend my 'after hour' time by sitting in the library. Gosh, sejak kapan gue jadi nongkrong di perpus?! Ckckck. And I still don't have anytime for breakfast. I just bring some milk and bread to the class, and eat them while the lecturer doesn't look at me. Hahahahaa :D

And,, yeaah,, here I am. Trying to be a mature person. Bcs almost everything I have to do by myself here..
Wew. It's sooooo depressing. Yet somehow, makes me feel so Grateful and STRONGER! Uuyeeaaahh \m/
Fortunately, I have so many great and super silly bestfriends here..
They're soooo much much sweet and nice and awesome and stuffs. :D

Okay mungkin segitu dulu posting perdana stelah vakum berbulan-bulan.. Just a simple curcol about my day here.. Now's 00.45 am, Tomorrow I have class at 9.. Think I gotta go to bed right now..
Thanks blogger..


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