exam was ended..
and it means, holiday is comiing..
hmmh,, uda Liburan nih..!
enaknya ngapaiiin..??
biar nggak bengong cengo gitu..
kalo boleh saran2 dikit gitu,
here's some Holiday Plans yang bisa dicobaa..
Cekidot dah..!
ada beberapa pilihan bagus untuk mengisi Liburanmu..
sesuaikan aja dengan minat dan bakat kamu.
Plan A..:
Just @ home sweet homee..
> blajar masak (cewek),, blajar ngecat (cowok)
dua2nya juga boleh. :D
> bantu bantu ortu,, itung2 pahala.
> makan tidur makan tidur.
> ngulang masa masa kecil sama kakak & adek,,
cz there're so many things we lost when we grow old..
> bermain sgala macem olahraga.
Just a simple sport, like jogging, badminton, senam poco2 jg gapapa :DD
> Do some crazy n fun things with OldFriends
Nostalgia masa2 culun pas SD duluu, atau waktu SMP pas polos-polosnyaa..
> Bedah kamar (kalo blum bisa bedah rumah). Find something new..
> Make a privat journal, for yourself,
Or, make a storybook that tells about some amazing events you have.
And soo soo soo many others that you can do in your house..
Not only being bestfriends with the TV. :)
Plan B...:
Walk Around..
- Pantai.
However, Beach always bring us to its romance.
- Gunung.
Buat yg bernyali ajaa. With some bestfriends, camping, hmmm it must be great!
- Keliling Pulau, Backpacker's style.
Karna kayaknya masih rada susah kalo keliling Indonesia, apalagi keliling Dunia.
- Don't forget to taking some wonderful picts in every places you have.
- And the last but not least,
OLEH-OLEH! It's a MUST! muahahhahaa
Plan C
Taking some Courses.
Hmmm,, although this will take your time, and will be your new routinities,
But i'm sure it will be GREAT!
It must be amazing to learn about something you like,
or something that absolutely new for yourself.
Besides we get some new lessons and experiences,
We'll also get some new friends. It's always fun to make friends w/ anyone. :)
exam was ended..
and it means, holiday is comiing..
hmmh,, uda Liburan nih..!
enaknya ngapaiiin..??
biar nggak bengong cengo gitu..
kalo boleh saran2 dikit gitu,
here's some Holiday Plans yang bisa dicobaa..
Cekidot dah..!
ada beberapa pilihan bagus untuk mengisi Liburanmu..
sesuaikan aja dengan minat dan bakat kamu.
Plan A..:
Just @ home sweet homee..
> blajar masak (cewek),, blajar ngecat (cowok)
dua2nya juga boleh. :D
> bantu bantu ortu,, itung2 pahala.
> makan tidur makan tidur.
> ngulang masa masa kecil sama kakak & adek,,
cz there're so many things we lost when we grow old..
> bermain sgala macem olahraga.
Just a simple sport, like jogging, badminton, senam poco2 jg gapapa :DD
> Do some crazy n fun things with OldFriends
Nostalgia masa2 culun pas SD duluu, atau waktu SMP pas polos-polosnyaa..
> Bedah kamar (kalo blum bisa bedah rumah). Find something new..
> Make a privat journal, for yourself,
Or, make a storybook that tells about some amazing events you have.
And soo soo soo many others that you can do in your house..
Not only being bestfriends with the TV. :)
Plan B...:
Walk Around..
- Pantai.
However, Beach always bring us to its romance.
- Gunung.
Buat yg bernyali ajaa. With some bestfriends, camping, hmmm it must be great!
- Keliling Pulau, Backpacker's style.
Karna kayaknya masih rada susah kalo keliling Indonesia, apalagi keliling Dunia.
- Don't forget to taking some wonderful picts in every places you have.
- And the last but not least,
OLEH-OLEH! It's a MUST! muahahhahaa
Plan C
Taking some Courses.
Hmmm,, although this will take your time, and will be your new routinities,
But i'm sure it will be GREAT!
It must be amazing to learn about something you like,
or something that absolutely new for yourself.
Besides we get some new lessons and experiences,
We'll also get some new friends. It's always fun to make friends w/ anyone. :)